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3. Match the items given in Column A with that in Column B

Column A Column B
Milk, curd, paneer, ghee, eat other animals
Spinach, cauliflower, carrot eat plants and plant products
Lions and tigers are vegetables
Herbivores are all animal products


Answers (3)

Here is the correct match.

Column A Column B with answers
Milk, curd, paneer, ghee, are all animal products
Spinach, cauliflower, carrot are vegetables
Lions and tigers eat other animals
Herbivores eat plants and plant products
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Priyanka Kumari

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1 . Milk, curd, paneer, ghee - are all animal product

2 spinach, cauliflower, carrot - are vegetable

3. Lions and tigers - eat others animals

4. Herbivores- eat plants and plant products

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Dhananjay Kumar Sharma

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Justin Jason.U

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