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Respiratory process is regulated by certain specialised centres in the brain.One of the following listed centres can reduce the inspiratory duration upon stimulation

(a) Medullary inspiratory centre
(b) Pneumotaxic centre
(c) Apneustic centre
(d) Chemosensitive centre

Answers (1)

The correct option is (b) Pneumotaxic centre. 

The Pneumotaxic Centre is situated in the brain's dorsal pons varoli which can change the respiratory rate by shortening the inspiration period.

The Apneustic Centre is in charge of encouraging the inspiration process, while it is situated in the bottom portion of the Pons varoli.

The rhythm centre, which is extremely sensitive to CO2 and hydrogen ions, is next to the chemosensitive centre. A rise in the body's CO2 and H+ levels triggers this centre's removal of CO2 and H

The primary function of the specific area called the Medullary Inspiratory Centre, which is located in the brain's medulla, is to control the breathing rhythm.

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