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4.   The following distribution gives the state-wise teacher-student ratio in higher secondary schools of India. Find the mode and mean of this data. Interpret the two measures.


Answers (1)


The class having maximum frequency is the modal class.

The maximum frequency is 10 and hence the modal class = 30-35

Lower limit (l) of modal class = 30, class size (h) = 5

Frequency ( f_1 ) of the modal class = 10 frequency ( f_0 ) of class preceding the modal class = 9, frequency ( f_2 ) of class succeeding the modal class = 3

Mode = l + \left(\frac{f_1-f_0}{2f_1 - f_0 - f_2} \right).h

\\ = 30 + \left(\frac{10-9}{2(10)-9-3} \right).5 \\ \\ = 30 + \frac{1}{8}.5

= 30.625

Thus, Mode of the data is 30.625


Let the assumed mean be a = 32.5 and h = 5


Number of

states f_i

Class mark


d_i = x_i -a u_i = \frac{d_i}{h} f_iu_i
15-20 3 17.5 -15 -3 -9
20-25 8 22.5 -10 -2 -16
25-30 9 27.5 -5 -1 -9
30-35 10 32.5 0 0 0
35-40 3 37.5 5 1 3
40-45 0 42.5 10 2 0
45-50 0 47.5 15 3 0
50-55 2 52.5 20 4 8

\sum f_i



\sum f_ix_i

= -23


\overline x =a + \frac{\sum f_iu_i}{\sum f_i}\times h 
= 32.5 + \frac{-23}{35}\times5= 29.22

Thus, the Mean of the data is 29.22

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