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The role of ethylene and abscisic acid is both positive and negative. Justify this statement.

Answers (1)

Ans. Both ethylene and abscisic acid have positive and negative effects.
Positive Effects of Ethylene:

  • Ethylene acts as a hormone that induces apical dominance and encourages horizontal growth
  • It interrupts the dormancy of seeds and buds
  • Ethylene aids in the initiation of the root
  • Ethylene also helps in the ripening of certain fruits

Negative Effects of Ethylene:

  • Ethylene causes the abscission of leaves because it hastens the senescence of leaves
  • Ethylene delays longitudinal development in the plant
  • Ethylene extends the dormancy of lateral buds

Positive Effects of Abscisic Acid:

  • Helps reduce water loss in the form of transpiration.
  • Induces flowering in short-day plants.
  • In certain plants such as Rosen, abscisic acid encourages parthenocarpic development as well as the rooting of stem-cutting.
  • Helps plants form resistance to environmental stress.
  • Promotes root initiation in certain plants.

Negative Effects of Abscisic Acid:

  • Encourages the abscission of flowers and fruits and induces leaf senescence.
  • Inhibits and slows down the cambial activity.
  • Retards the effect and functioning of growth hormones.
  • Promotes dormancy in seeds.
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