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11. What is a flower? Describe the parts of a typical angiosperm flower.

Answers (1)

Flower is the reproductive part of angiospermic plants for sexual means of reproduction. A typical flower has four whorls arranged on a swollen end of the stalk or pedicel called the thalamus. They are Calyx, Corolla, Androecium and Gynoecium.

1. Calyx- It is the outermost whorl of a flower. It is made up of units called sepals. It is generally green in colour and protective in function.

2. Corolla- It is the whorl present inner to the Corolla. It consists of petals. The petals are brightly coloured to attract the insects. 

3. Androecium- It is the whorl present next to the corolla. The androecium mainly consists of stamens which are the male reproductive unit of a flower. A stamen is composed of two parts i.e. anther and filament.  The anther is the bilobed structure with a stalk called a filament. Inside the anther, pollen grains are formed.

4. Gynoecium- The innermost whorl of a flower is called gynoecium. It consists of pistils. A pistil is composed of three parts stigma, style and ovary. Pistils are the female reproductive units of a flower. 







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