Which of the following statements is correct?
a. Parthenium is an endemic species of our country.
b. African catfish is not a threat to indigenous catfishes.
c. Steller’s sea cow is an extinct animal.
d. Lantana is popularly known as carrot grass.
The answer is option (c) Steller’s sea cow is an extinct animal.
Explanation: An endemic species is one that exists only in a specific geographical area and is not found anywhere else. Parthenium, also known as carrot grass, is not native to India. It likely came to India as a contaminant in imported wheat from the USA. Parthenium is an invasive weed that grows quickly and harms native plants, disrupting the ecosystem it invades. Another non-native plant, Lantana, also competes strongly with local species. The African catfish is another non-native species that negatively impacts the growth of indigenous catfishes in our rivers.