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A clean school makes learning a pleasure

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A clean school makes us feel good going to school so that teachers and other staff can breathe fresh air. Due to which the students will not fall ill in any situation there will be an extinction of mosquitoes in our nearby areas. Everyone needs to encourage others to keep their surroundings clean.Cleanliness doesn’t only refer to keeping your surroundings clean but also refers to keeping yourself clean and tidy. You must have heard your parents and teachers talk about cleanliness. When there is cleanliness in the school surroundings the reputation of the school automatically rises up. Students should inculcate the habit of cleanliness, this will make students better future fresh air is a must because there are a number of children in the classroom due to which it becomes suffocating. If there is fresh air the mind of the students will go fast in their studies and they can focus on what they are teaching. Unclean toilets give a bad impression on the staff and school management team. So that cleanliness is Godliness and due to cleaning of the schools, the students feel happier to study in a school building. Cleanliness enhances the prestige of the school and in the eyes of other schools.  At a higher level, cleanliness is very important for our body and mind. It is very essential. We should learn how to develop noble thoughts in our minds. It is the duty of our parents to teach the lesson of cleanliness i.e, how cleanliness is important in our life so that they grow up as great citizens and useful members of our society.

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Deependra Verma

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