(a) Explain the working of a compound microscope with the help of a labelled diagram.
(b) Write the considerations that you keep in mind while choosing lenses to be used as eyepiece and objectives in a compound microscope.
An object AB which is to be magnified is placed in front of the objective lens just beyond its principal focus. The objective lens forms a real, inverted and magnified image of an object. This image A'B' serves as the object for the second lens called the eyepiece. Eyepiece functions as a simple microscope or magnifier and produces the final image which is enlarged and virtual. This final image A"B" is seen by our eye after adjusting the final image at the least distance of distant vision 25 cm from the eye.
(b) For a compound microscope, the objective lens is selected such that its focal length should be very small. The eyepiece must have a large aperture and moderate or small focal length.