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(a) Name the mode of reproduction of the following organisms and state the important feature of each mode :

(i) Planaria

(ii) Hydra

(iii) Rhizopus

(b) We can develop new plants from the leaves of Bryophyllum. Comment.

(c) List two advantages of vegetative propagation over other modes of reproduction.





Answers (1)

a) (i) Planaria- mode of reproduction is asexual and name of the method is binary fission as it has a high power of regeneration.

(ii) Hydra- mode of reproduction is asexual and the name of the method is budding as it does not involve the fusion of gametes. 

(iii) Rhizopus- mode of reproduction is both sexual and asexual by forming spores.

b) Bryophyllum can be reproduced by vegetative propagation by using either a piece of its stem or leaves. The leaves of this plant have special buds in their margins which get detached from the leaves and after getting soil, they grow and produce a new plant.


  • Quicker, cheaper and more certain.
  • Produces more no. of identical quality as the parent.
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Safeer PP

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