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(a) With the help of diagram explain Isaac Newton’s experiment that led to the idea that the sunlight is made up of seven colours.

(b) What is atmospheric refraction ? List two natural phenomena based on atmospheric refraction.





Answers (1)

Issac Newton was the first person to use a glass prism to obtain the spectrum of sunlight. Newton tried to split the colours of spectrum of sunlight (white light) further by using another identical prism. but he could not get any more colours. he then placed a similar prism in an inverted position with respect to first prism. This allowed all colours to pasws through the second prism and found a bean of white light emerging from the other side of the 2nd prism.

This experiment gave Issac Newton the idea that the sunlight is made up of seven colours.

(b) Atmospheric refraction is the Phenomenon of bonding of light on passing through the earth atmosphere.

Two phenomenon-

(1) Advance sunrise and Developed sunse

(2) Twinkling of stars.


Posted by

Sumit Saini

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