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how can we learn periodic table easily

Answers (1)

  • S-BLOCK element has similar physical and chemical properties.
  • Group 1 include lithium(li),Sodium(Na),Potassium(K),Rubidium(Ru),Caseium(Cs),and Francium(Fr)hence known as alkali metal.

MNEMONIC FOR THIS GROUP: LiNa kRuby CsFriendship hai.

  • Group 2 includes Beryllium(Be),Magnesium(Mg),Calcium(Ca),Strontium(Sr),Barium(Br),and Radium(Ra).hence known as alkali earth metal.

MNEMONIC for this group: Beta Mange CaScooter Baap rone se Razi

  • This block contains non-metal, semi-metal and poor metals.P-BLOCK element the last six group of the periodic table(group 13 to 18) have their own valence electron.
  • GROUP 13  is known as Boron group and it consist of Boron(B),Aluminium(Al),Gallium (Ga),Indium(In),and Thallium(Ti).

MNEMONIC for this group: B A G I T

  • Group 14 consist of Carbon(C),Silicon(Si),Germanium (Ge),Tin(Sn),and lead(Pb)and known as carbon group

MNEMONIC for this group: Chemistry SiGiveSanki Problems

  • Group 15 includes Nitrogen(N),Phosphorus(P),Arsenic(As),Antimony(Sb),and Bismuth(Bi) and known as nitrogen group.

MNEMONIC for this group: Nahi Pasand AisSab Bhai

  • GROUP 16 contains Oxygen(O) sulphur (S), Selenium(S), Tellurium(Te), and Polonium(Po) and are these are known as oxygen group.

MNEMONIC for this group: Oh! Style STePolish

  • Group 17 Fluorine (F), Chlorine(Cl),Bromine(Br),Iodine(I),and Astatine(At) and these groups are known as Halogens.

MNEMONIC for this group: Fir Call Kar Bahaar AayI Aunty

  • Group 18 consist of Helium (He), Neon (Ne), Argon (Ar), Krypton (Kr), Xenon (Xe), and  Radon (Rn) and known group of noble gasses except  Helium.

MNEMONIC for this Group: He Never Arrived; KarXero Run pe Out


D-BLOCK contains elements of group 3 to 12.and group 3 to 12 are known as transitional elements, whereas and group 12elemnets are known as post-transitional elements and have completely filled subshell.

  • Period 4 contains elements Scandium(Sc), Titanium(Ti), Vanadium(V), Chromium(Cr), Manganese(Mn), Iron(Fe), Cobalt(Co), Nickel(Ni), copper(Cu), and Zinc(Zn).

MNEMONIC for this group: Some Take Veno’s Cough Mixture For Colds, NiCuZ.

Period 5 contains elements such a Yttrium (Y), Zirconium(Zr), Niobodium(Nb), Molybdenum(Mo), Technetium(Tc), Ruthenium(Ru), Rhodium(Rh), Palladium(Pd), Silver(Au)

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