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One of your frnd write slowly due to this most of the time he misses his ques in exam resulting in loss of marks how will you help in improve in writting skills?

Answers (1)


If he wants to increase his writing speed then, I would advise him to solve sample question papers in the same hours as the real exam. With continued practice and the pressure to finish the mock exam in time would prepare him for the real exam. I would also advise him to divide his time among questions. By that I mean he should complete a question in a certain amount of time and if that question is not complete in that time then he should leave the question there itself and move on to the other questions. With this technique, he will be left with plenty of time in the end to solve the questions he left before and be done with the paper. Also, the student himself should believe that he can complete the exam in time. Confidence plays a key role in performance.

Posted by

Deependra Verma

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