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Write a paragraph on education can be complete without games / sports in about 80words

Answers (1)


The importance of games and sports in school is very important in our day-to-day life because it helps keep your mind busy in doing some activities through which it Improves Mood, Stability. Playing sports or Games is more beneficial than any physical activity. It increases self-esteem and mental alertness. Every school should make sports and games necessary for their students. It increases physical growth and development. It helps to learn many things in our life, as it is helpful in improving personality, confidence level and maintaining physical and mental balance. It makes a person more capable and makes a person work with high efficiency in difficult situations in life. Playing sports and games keeps the body relaxed and the mind free of tension. It improves blood circulation all through the body thus improves the physical and mental well-being of the person. Sports activities are very important for all ages whether they are children, adults or Youths. It improves the memory level, concentration level, and learning capacity of children. It gives us an opportunity to earn money and grow in life and can give us a successful career. Nowadays, the Importance of playing sports and games is almost available in every school and college which are located in both urban and rural areas. I can get a better path to go ahead in my life.

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Deependra Verma

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