A massless string connects two pulley of masses ' ' and '
' respectively as shown in the figure.
The heavier pulley is fixed and free to rotate about its central axis while the other is free to rotate as well as translate. Find the acceleration of the lower pulley if the system was released from the rest. [Given, ]
View Full Answer(3)
Calculate the acceleration of block of the following diagram. Assume all surfaces are frictionless . Here m1 = 100kg and m2 = 50kg
View Full Answer(5)No. of transition state in given figure
View Full Answer(2)
When cell has stalled DNA replication fork, which checkpoint should be predominantly activated?
Both G2 M and M
G2/M should be activated as the cell has stalled DNA replication fork.
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At 300 K and 1 atm, 15 mL of a gaseous hydrocarbon requires 375 mL air containing 20% O2 by volume for complete combustion. After combustion, the gases occupy 330 mL. Assuming that the water formed is in liquid form and the volumes were measured at the same temperature and pressure, the formula of the hydrocarbon is :
Option: 1 C4H8
Option: 2 C4H10
Option: 3 C3H6
Option: 4 C3H8
Volume of N2 in air = 375 × 0.8 = 300 ml
Volume of O2 in air = 375 × 0.2 = 75 ml
0 0 15x -
After combustion total volume
330 = 300 + 15x
x = 2
Volume of O2 used
y = 12
So hydrocarbon is = C2H12
None of the options matches it therefore it is a BONUS.
Alternatively Solution
0 0 15x -
Volume of O2 used
If further information (i.e., 330 ml) is neglected, option (C3H8 ) only satisfy the above equation.
View Full Answer(1) An ideal gas undergoes a quasi static, reversible process in which its molar heat capacity C remains constant. If during this process the relation of pressure P and volume V is given by PVn=constant, then n is given by (Here CP and CV are molar specific heat at constant pressure and constant volume, respectively)
Option: 1
Option: 2
Option: 3
Option: 4
For a polytropic preocess
A point particle of mass m, moves along the uniformly rough track PQR as shown in the figure. The coefficient of friction, between the particle and the rough track equals µ. The particle is released, from rest, from the point P and it comes to rest at a point R. The energies, lost by the ball, over the parts, PQ and QR, of the track, are equal to each other, and no energy is lost when particle changes direction from PQ to QR. The values of the coefficient of friction µ and the distance x(=QR), are, respectively close to :
Option: 1 0.2 and 6.5 m
Option: 3 0.2 and 3.5 m
Option: 4 0.29 and 6.5 m
Work done by friction at QR = μmgx
In triangle, sin 30° = 1/2 = 2/PQ
PQ = 4 m
Work done by friction at PQ = μmg × cos 30° × 4 = μmg × √3/2 × 4 = 2√3μmg
Since work done by friction on parts PQ and QR are equal,
μmgx = 2√3μmg
x = 2√3 ≅ 3.5 m
Applying work energy theorem from P to R
decrease in P.E.=P.E.= loss of energy due to friction in PQPQ and QR
where h=2(given)
In the following structure, the double bonds are marked as I, II, III and IV Geometrical isomerism is not possible at site (s) :
Option: 1 III
Option: 2 I
Option: 3 I and II
Option: 4 III and IV
Geometrical isomerism is not possible at Site I as two identical methyl groups are attached to the same carbon bearing the double bond.
Hence, the answer is Option (2)
View Full Answer(1) The group having triangular planar structures is :
Option: 1
Option: 2
Option: 3
Option: 4
The group having triangular planar structures is CO32-, NO?????3?-,SO?3
In CO32- ion, C atom is sp?????2 hybridised. This results in triangular planar structure.
In NO?????3????- ion, N atom is sp?????2 hybridised. This results in triangular planar structure.
In SO?????3, S atom is sp?????2 hybridised. This results in triangular planar structure.
In all above molecules/ions, the central atom has 3 bonding domains and bond angle of 120o.
Which one of the following is an oxide ?
Option: 1 KO2
Option: 2 BaO2
Option: 3 SiO2
Option: 4 CsO2
SiO2 - oxide
KO???2? , CsO????2 - superoxides
BaO????2 - peroxide
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Organic Compounds Containing Nitrogen
Laws of motion
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Dual Nature of Matter and Radiation