Absence of membrane-bound organelles is a feature of
Animal cell
Plant cell
Prokaryotic cell
Fungal cell
Cellularity and Types of Cell -
Based on the presence or absence of well-defined nucleus, cells are of two types:
1) Prokaryotic Cells: [Gk. pro, before, and karyon, kernel, nucleus]. These are the primitive cells and are considered as evolutionary successful. These cells lack a membrane-bound nucleus as well as other membrane-bound organelles. E.g., bacteria.
2) Eukaryotic Cells: [Gk. eu, true, and karyon, kernel, nucleus]. These cells have a defined nucleus as well as membrane-bound cell organelles. E.g., Protists, Fungi, Plants, and Animals.
Prokaryotic cells are not compartmentalized by the presence of membrane-bound organelles.