After completing the gold foil experiment, Rutherford concluded that the size of the nucleus is very small compared to the size of the atom. This is because:
One out of every 12000 alpha particles deflected back after hitting the gold foil
Most of the alpha particles deflected back after hitting the gold foil
Some alpha particles were deflected by small angles
Very few of the alpha particles passed through the gold foil
The Correct Answer is One out of every 12000 alpha particles deflected back after hitting the gold foil.
Rutherford’s model says that an atom has a positively charged nucleus.
So, the sub-atomic particle present in the nucleus of an atom is a proton (which carries a positive charge).
Important Points
Conclusion of Rutherford Model
Most of the space inside the atom is empty because most of the α-particles passed through the gold foil without getting deflected.
Very few particles were deflected from their path, indicating that the positive charge of the atom occupies very little space.
A very small fraction of α-particles were deflected by 1800,indicating that all the positive charge and mass of the gold atom were concentrated in a very small volume within the atom.