Assertion: - Newton's third law of motion only applies when objects are in motion.
Reason: Among all the laws, Newton’s third law applies to all types of forces. For example: gravity, electricity or magnetism etc.
Both the assertion and the inference are correct and the inference is the correct interpretation of the Assertion.
The assertion and the reasoning are correct but the reasoning is not a correct interpretation of the assertion.
The statement is true, But the reasoning is false.
The assertion is false, the reason is correct.
This statement is incorrect because Newton's third law works for objects at rest. Consider pulling on a string. Reason applies because there is a reaction pair for every action that acts on all forces.
The law of universal gravitation is:
Two masses attract each other.
Coulomb’s Law (Electricity):
Take two magnets and they repel (forces in opposite directions) or attract (forces in opposite directions) depending on their orientation. In both Cases, the third law is respected. For example: Gravity, electricity or magnetism etc. Newton’s third law therefore applies to all types of forces.