Chondrichthyes is characterised by
Placoid scale
Ventral mouth
Ctenoid scale and ventral mouth
Placoid scale and ventral mouth
Class Chondrichthyes - Characteristics Features -
This class contains the fishes with cartilaginous endoskeleton.
Sharks, rays, skates, saw-fishes etc. belong to this class.
The notochord persists throughout their life
They have a tough skin covered with placoid scales.
They have powerful jaws with modified placoid scales called the teeth. The mouth is ventrally located.
The gill slits are not protected by an operculum.
They do not have a swim bladder due to which they swim continuously to prevent sinking.
They have a two-chambered heart with one atrium and one ventricle.
They are cold-blooded.
They have separate sexes. Fertilization occurs internally. They can be oviparous or viviparous.
Cartilaginous fishes have placoid scale and ventral mouth.