Find the mismatched pair from the following?
Monocot - isobilateral leaves
Dicot - dorsiventral leaves
Dicot - dumbbell shaped guard cell
Monocot - dumbbell shaped guard cell
The guard cells of dicots resemble kidney beans. The guard cell's inner wall is thicker than the outer wall and surrounds the stomata. Hence option 3 is correct.
Explanation for the incorrect options :
Monocotyledonous leaves are those that have just one cotyledon and are found on plants that produce seeds. All monocot leaves have parallel venation on the outside. Due to the similarity of the leaf surfaces on the two sides, they are also known as isobilateral leaves. Hence, option 1 is incorrect.
Dicots are known to have dorsiventral leaves. There are three separate portions to a dorsiventral leaf's vertical segment. Epidermis, mesophyll, and circulatory system are those. Hence, option 2 is incorrect.
The plant monocot is sugarcane. The guard cells on the sugarcane plant are dumbbell-shaped, just like those on other monocot plants (like maize). The guard cells with a dumbbell shape are more effective physiologically because they need fewer solutes and less water to produce a desired increase in stomata apertures. Hence, option 4 is incorrect.