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In earthworm the function of receiving and storing spermatozoa during copulation occurs in


Option: 1

Male genital pore


Option: 2



Option: 3



Option: 4

Oviducal funnel

Answers (1)


Reproduction and Development in Earthworm

  • Earthworm is hermaphrodite, that is, male and female reproductive organs are present in the same individual. 
  • Earthworms do not self- fertilise because testes mature earlier than the ovaries. 

Male reproductive system

  • It consists of the following structures
  1. Testes sacs- There are two pairs of testes sacs present in the 10th and 11th segments. Each sac encloses a testis and a spermiducal funnel.
  2. Testes- Two pairs of testes are present inside testes sacs at 10th and 11th segments. These are the sites of gametogenesis.
  3. Seminal vesicles- These are two pairs of structures present in 11th and 12th segments. The process of development to maturation of spermatozoa takes place inside them.
  4. Spermiducal funnel- These are present in the 10th and 11th segments. These act as gateways of sperm reception and leads into vasa deferentia.
  5. Prostate gland- lie one in each side of the gut from 16th to 21st segments. They produce a secretion which serves as a medium for the transfer of sperms. 

Female reproductive system

  • It consists of the following structures
  1. Ovaries- these are a pair of white minute masses attached to the septum present between 12th and 13th segments. These are the sites of gametogenesis.
  2. Oviducts and oviducal funnel- these collect eggs and pass them to outside into the cocoon through a female genital aperture.
  3. Spermathecae- Four pairs of spermatheca are located in 6th-9th segments (one pair in each segment). They receive and store spermatozoa during copulation
  • During mating, two worms mutually exchange sperms
  • These two worms mate juxtaposing opposite gonadal opening exchanging packets of sperm called spermatophores
  • The mature sperm and egg cells and nutritive fluid are deposited in cocoons produced by the gland cells of clitellum

- There are four pairs of spermatheca are located in 6th-9th segments (one pair in each segment). They receive and store spermatozoa during copulation.


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