Statement I :Defecation is a voluntary proces
Statement II :Solidifying into coherent faeces in the rectum trigger a neurological reflex that causes an urge or want to remove it.
Stament I and Stament II are correct.
Stament I and Stament II are incorrect.
Stament I is correct and Stament II is incorrect.
Stament I is incorrect and Stament II is correct.
Defecation is a reflex that has both involuntary and voluntary components. The involuntary storage of faeces in the rectum includes the relaxation of the internal anal sphincter. In contrast, the desire to defecate is an intentional procedure that requires the decision to relax the external anal sphincter. The solidification of faeces in the rectum creates a neurological reflex that causes the need to defecate, however the decision to defecate is voluntary. As a result, both Statements I and II are correct.
Option a is the correct answer.