The ability of pistil to recognize the pollen followed by its acceptance or rejection is result of a continous dialogue b/w pollen grain and pistil this dialogue is mediated by chemical components of pollen interacting with those of pistil is termed as
Pollen germination
Pollen - pistil interaction
As we have learned
Pollen?pistil Interaction -
Often, during pollination, pollen of the wrong type, either from other species or from the same plant (if it is self-incompatible), also land on the stigma. The pistil has the ability to recognise the pollen, whether it is of the right type (compatible) or of the wrong type (incompatible) . If it is of the right type, the pistil accepts the pollen and leads to fertilization, if the pollen is of the wrong type, the pistil rejects the pollen by preventing pollen germination on the stigma
- wherein
The ability of the pistil to recognise the pollen followed by its acceptance or rejection is the result of a continious dialogue between pollen grain and the pistil. This dialogue is mediated by chemical components of the pollen interacting with those of the pistil
Pollen - pistol interaction