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The boiling point of 0.2 mol kg-1 solution of X in water is greater than equimolal solution of Y in water. Which one of the following statements is true in this case ?

  • Option 1)

    Molecular mass of X is less than the molecular mass of Y.

  • Option 2)

    Y is undergoing dissociation in water while X undergoes no change.

  • Option 3)

    X is undergoing dissociation in water.

  • Option 4)

    Molecular mass of X is greater than the molecular mass of Y.


Answers (1)


As we learned in concept ID

Molality -

Molality = \frac{Moles \: of \: solute}{Mass \, \: o\! f\: solution(Kg)}




Vant Hoff factor for dissociation -

i= 1+(n-1)\alpha


n is the no. of dissociated particles

\alpha = degree of association

- wherein

NaC l \: \: \: n = 2

CaCl_{2} \: \: \: n = 3

K_{4}[F(CN_{6})]\: \: \: \: \: n=5


 \Delta T\mu _{}=K_{\mu m\times i}

The only factor among all the options that could make a difference is that X to undergo dissociation thereby making i>1 and therfore boiling higher boiling tempreture.

Option 1)

Molecular mass of X is less than the molecular mass of Y.

Incorrect option

Option 2)

Y is undergoing dissociation in water while X undergoes no change.

Incorrect option

Option 3)

X is undergoing dissociation in water.

Correct option

Option 4)

Molecular mass of X is greater than the molecular mass of Y.

Incorrect option

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