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What happens in Telophase I of meiosis- I ? Tick the most appropriate option.

Option: 1

Preparation of meiosis II occurs.

Option: 2

The diploid cell becomes a haploid one when meiosis I separates the pair of homologous chromosomes.

Option: 3

Formation of two daughter nuclei takes place. 

Option: 4

None of the above

Answers (1)


(a) Meiosis is a reduction division, whereas mitosis is an equational cell division. 

(b) The diploid cell becomes a haploid one when meiosis I separates the pair of homologous chromosomes. By segregating the pair of homologous chromosomes, meiosis-I lowers the diploid cell and creates haploid cells. During leptotene, the chromosomes start to condense and achieve a compact shape.

(c) The formation of daughter cells takes place in the Telophase stage of meiosis I now the chromosome number is halved than the chromosome number of the parent cell.

Hence, option 3 is the correct answer. 

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