Which of the following is correct about urethra?
Male urethra is shorter than female urethra
Male urethra is longer than female urethra
Male and female urethra are of equal length
None of the above
Male urethra is around 20 - 25 cm where as female urethra is around 4-6 cm only.
Urethra is made up of fibromuscular tissue. It is a passage extending from lower opening of bladder upto external urethral orifice.
In males urethra also provides passage for semen during sexual intercourse. The semen that is concentrated with secretions of seminal vesicles and prostatic secretions is passed out of penis through urethra
Urethra mainly has 3 parts . Prostatic, membranous and bulbar.
Prostatic part is that part of urethra that passes parallel to prostate present near the neck of bladder .
Membranous urethra passes horizontally through the pelvic floor.
Membranous urethra angulates and continues to be bulbar urethra. Bulbar urethra is near to penis.
Hence option B is correct.