Which of the following statements about mitosis in the majority of plant members is true?
Anastral, eumitosis, and amphiastral
Premitosis, anastral, and acentric
Eumitosis, anastral, and acentric
Astral, centric, and eumitosis
The majority of plant members undergo mitosis, which results in the formation of spindle fibres but not centrioles or asters. The form of mitosis that takes place when the nuclear membrane disintegrates, erasing the boundary between the cytoplasm and nucleoplasm and leaving the chromosomes without centromeres.
1. The division of the cell nucleus during mitosis results in the replication and distribution of the genome into two identical halves. Cell division typically comes before it.
2. The anastral mitosis that characterises plant cells. They lack centrosomes and centrioles. Spindle fibres are created during the division of plant cells, but asters and centrioles are not produced. As a result, it is known as anastral mitosis.
3. The absence of centrioles during the mitotic process is referred to as acentric mitosis. The acentric term refers to the anastral spindle.
4. Plants undergo eumitosis, a kind of division in which the nuclear membrane dissolves during prometaphase, eliminating the distinction between nucleoplasm and cytoplasm. By their centromeres, the chromosomes are connected to the spindles.
The majority of plant species go through anastral mitosis, or cell division without astral or centrioles. Acentric mitosis is another name for anastral (no centrioles). As the nuclear membrane dissolves during prometaphase, there is no longer a difference between the cytoplasm and the nucleoplasm, a situation known as eumitosis occurs.
Option 3 is the correct answer.