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An alkene ‘A’ (Molecular formula C_{5}H_{10}) on ozonolysis gives a mixture of two compounds ‘B’ and ‘C’. Compound ‘B’ gives positive Fehling’s test and also forms iodoform on treatment with I_{2} and NaOH. Compound ‘C’ does not give Fehling’s test but forms iodoform. Identify the compounds A, B and C. Write the reaction for ozonolysis and formation of iodoform from B and C.

Answers (1)

As compound B turns up with a positive result for Fehling’s test, it is an aldehyde. It also gives a positive result to the iodoform test, which implies that it has a \text {-COCH}_{3}  group. Compound C with a positive iodoform test and negative Fehling’s test, is a ketone.


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