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Discuss the mechanisms of absorption.

Answers (1)


The Absorption of digested food happens through three mechanisms, namely: passive, active, or facilitated transport mechanisms.

Simple Diffusion: Small amounts of monosaccharides, amino acids, and some electrolytes are absorbed by diffusion. The passage of the above substances into the blood depends on the concentration gradient.
Facilitated Transport: Fructose, as well as some amino acids, are absorbed with the help of carrier ions like Na+. This method is known as facilitated transport.
Transport of Fatty Acids and glycerols: These substances are not absorbed into the blood because they are insoluble. They are made into small droplets; called micelles. These move to the intestinal mucosa. In the intestinal mucosa, these micelles get converted into very small protein-coated globules, called chylomicrons. The chylomicrons are then transported into the lymph vessels in the villi. The lymph vessels finally release them into the bloodstream.

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