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Q5. Proteins have primary structure. If you are given a method to know which amino acid is at either of the two termini (ends) of a protein, can you connect this information to purity or homogeneity of a protein?

Answers (1)

If we are given a method to know the sequence of proteins, then we can use this information to determine the purity of a protein. It is known that an accurate sequence of a certain amino acid is very important for the functioning of a protein. If there will be any change in the sequence, it would alter its structure, and it will also alter its function.

So by knowing the sequence of a given protein, we can determine its structure and compare it with any of the known correct protein sequences. And if any change will occur in the sequence, then it can be linked to the purity or homogeneity of a protein.

Just, for example, we will take a single change in the sequence of hemoglobin in the P chain at 6th position can alter the normal hemoglobin structure to an abnormal structure that can cause sickle cell anemia to the person.

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Priyanka Kumari

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