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RuBP carboxylase, PEPcase, Pyruvate dehydrogenase, ATPase,Cytochrome oxidase, Hexokinase, Lactate dehydrogenase. Select/ choose enzymes from the list above which are involved in
(a) Photosynthesis
(b) Respiration
(c) Both in photosynthesis and respiration

Answers (1)

Correct name of enzymes involved:

(a) enzymes involved in photosynthesis are: RuBP carboxylase, PEPcase
(b) enzymes involved in respiration are: Pyruvate dehydrogenase, Hexokinase, Lactate dehydrogenase
(c) enzymes involved in photosynthesis as well as respiration are ATPase, cytochrome oxidase

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