The arrangement of ovules within the ovary is known as placentation. What does the term placenta refer to? Draw various types of placentation in flower, as seen in T.S. and V.S.
The placenta is a soft tissue to which the ovules are attached. It is found in the inner ovary wall. The arrangement of ovules inside the ovary is called placentation. Placentation can be of different types like marginal placentation, basal, parietal, axile and free central placentation. In the marginal one, a ridge kind of structure is formed between the placenta and the ovary. The ovules are arranged on this ridge in two rows: for example- pea. In basal one, the placenta is formed at the lower region of the ovary. Only a single ovule is attached to the placenta: for example- sunflower. In the parietal one, the ovules are attached to the inner wall of the ovary or the peripheral area in two chambers, for example- mustard. In axile placentation, the ovules develop in the central axis in a multilocular ovary, for example- tomato. In free central placentation, the ovules develop in the central axis but in a unilocular ovary, for example- primrose.