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The non SI and SI units of some physical quantities are given in column A and column B respectively. Match the units belonging to the same physical quantity:

(A)                                                                   (B)

(a) degree celsius                                            (i) kilogram
(b) centimetre                                                 (ii) pascal
(c) gram per centimetre cube                         (iii) metre
(d) bar                                                             (iv) kelvin
(e) milligram                                                   (v) kilogram per metre cube

Answers (1)

Ans : (a—iv) (b—iii) (c—v) (d—ii) (e—i)


Temperature can be measured in degrees Celsius or Kelvin or Fahrenheit.

Length is measured, in meter as per SI unit system and in centimetre as per CGS unit system.

Gram per centimetre cube and kilogram per metre cube, both are units of density in CGS system and SI system respectively.

Bar and Pascal are units to measure the pressure.

Milligram and kilogram are the units of mass.

Posted by

Gurleen Kaur

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