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Comment upon the hormonal regulation of selective reabsorption.

Answers (1)

In the process of selection reabsorption and its regulation in kidneys, Antidiuretic Hormone (ADH) or vasopressin plays a crucial role. The osmoreceptors present in our body get activated when there is a change in the haemodynamic in the body. When there is an excess excretion/loss of fluids from our body, the activated osmoreceptors send signals to the hypothalamus in our brain to release ADH from the neurohypophysis.

The reason for releasing ADH is that it enables water to be reabsorbed from the parts of the tubule and tries to balance the loss of fluid. The osmoreceptors are deactivated when the fluid levels increase in our body, which leads to stopping the release of ADH, and that is how the cycle of feedback gets completed.

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