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Compounds ‘A’ and ‘B’ react according to the following chemical equation.

A(g)+2B(g)\rightarrow 2C(g)

The concentration of either ‘A’ or ‘B’ was changed keeping the concentrations of one of the reactants constant and rates were measured as a function of initial concentration. Following results were obtained. Choose the correct option for the rate equations for this reaction.

Experiment Initial Concetration of [A]/molL-1 Initial Concentration of [B]/molL-1 Initial rate concentration of [C]/molL-1 S-1
1 0.30 0.30 0.10
2 0.30 0.60 0.40
3 0.60 0.30 0.20

(i) Rate = k[A]^{}2[B]

(ii) Rate =k[A][B]^{}2

(iii) Rate = k[A][B]

(iv) Rate = k[A]^{}2[B]^{}0


Answers (1)

The answer is the option (ii)
We know that Rate of a reaction is =k[A]^{x}[B]^{y}
On doubling the concentration of B, keeping the concentration of A constant, the rate of formation of C increases by a factor of four. Thus, the rate of reaction is directly proportional to the square of concentration of B. However, on doubling the concentration of A, the rate of formation of C becomes the double of the initial value. Thus the rate is directly proportional to the first power of concentration of A. Hence Rate = =K[A][B]^{2}

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