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header-bg qa

Match the graph given in Column I with the order of reaction given in Column II. More than one item in Column I may link to the same item of Column II.

  Column I Column II
(i) (a) 1 st order
(iii) (b) Zero order


Answers (1)

i\rightarrow (a), ii\rightarrow (b), iii\rightarrow (b), iv\rightarrow (a)

For zero order reaction rate equation may be written as [R]=-kt+[R_{0}]

which denotes a straight line equation similar to y=mx+c

on transforming \frac{[R]-[R_{0}]}{t}=-k



Rate = k[t]^{0}

rate \; \alpha\; [t]^{0}

For a first order reaction \frac{dx}{dt}\; \alpha \; [\text {concentration}]

Graph between rate and concentration may be drawn as k =\frac{2.303}{t}\; log\frac{[R]_{0}}{[R]}

\frac{kt}{2.303}=log \frac{[R]_{0}}{[R]}

\frac{kt}{2.303}=log [R]_{0}-log [R]

log[R]=\left ( -\frac{k}{2.303} \right )t+log[R]_{0}


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