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Draw a well-labelled diagram of a eukaryotic nucleus. How is it different from nucleoid?

Answers (1)

Diagram of a eukaryotic nucleus

Major differences between eukaryotic and prokaryotic nuclei:

1. The eukaryotic nucleus is membrane bound but the prokaryotic nucleus is membrane-less. 

2. Prokaryotic cells do not contain DNA in the form of chromosomes.

3. Prokaryotic cells do not possess nucleolus as there is no membrane-separated nucleolus and cytoplasm.

Nucleus Nucleoid
1. Larger in size 1. Smaller in size
2. Bounded by double membrane 2. Not bounded by any membrane
3. It contains nucleolus 3. Does not contain nucleolus
4. It contains DNA associated with histone proteins 4. It contains naked DNA i.e., DNA is not associated with histone proteins
5. Present in eukaryotic cells. 5. Present in prokaryotic cells.


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