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Explain giving reasons

(a) A balanced diet is necessary for maintaining a healthy body.

(b) The health of an organism depends upon the surrounding environmental conditions.

(c) Our surrounding area should be free of stagnant water.

(d) Social harmony and good economic conditions are necessary for good health.

Answers (1)


  1. An individual maintaining a balanced diet will in turn have a healthy body. The diet which we consume every day provides our body with the fuel required to function and complete our daily physical and mental activities. A balanced diet should consist of an ample amount of proteins, minerals, vitamins, lipids and carbohydrates. An appropriate proportion of these biomolecules helps the body to have proper growth and leads to a disease-free state.
  2. The environmental conditions surrounding an organism play a significant role in the organism’s health as poor hygiene conditions in the surrounding environment can lead to many diseases such as Malaria and Dengue fever. If the environment is contaminated, then the organism can develop severe diseases. An example of this is the harmful radiation and pollution which propagate a large number of diseases.
  3. It is very important to keep the surrounding area free from stagnant water because stagnant water becomes breeding grounds for many vectors such as Mosquitos and Swine, which transmit many diseases like Dengue and Malaria. The surroundings should always stay free from stagnant water to avoid an outbreak of these vector-based diseases.
  4. Social harmony is necessary for good health as the individuals living in different communities should hold values of peace, admiration, generosity, respect and equity in society to make the society’s and individual’s health better. Good economic conditions are a base for good health as these conditions equip an individual with good quality hygiene food and the ability to deal with the expensive treatments required to restore good health.
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