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4. List changes in the body that take place at puberty.

Answers (1)


The list of changes that take place at the age of puberty is as follows- 

  1. Increase in height and weight of the body.
  2. Widening of chest and shoulders in males. In females, the region below the waist becomes wider.
  3. At puberty, the voice box or the larynx becomes larger in males. This larger voice box in males is called Adam's apple. In females,
    the larynx is small in size.
  4. Females develop a high-pitched voice, whereas males develop a deep voice.
  5. At puberty, there is growth of secondary sexual characteristics (underarm hair, beards and hair on skins) in males and females.
  6. At puberty, the male and female reproductive organs become functional.
  7. In males, the testes begin to produce sperm.
  8. In females, there is enlargement of ovaries and maturing of eggs.
  9. Menstruation also starts in females. 


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