The s-block elements are characterised by their larger atomic sizes, lower ionisation enthalpies, invariable +1 oxidation state and solubilities of their oxosalts.In the light of these features describe the nature of their oxides, halides and oxosalts.
The atoms of alkali metals have a large size due to which they readily form cations. They have +1 oxidation state, and their compounds are ionic in nature. Alkali metals give three types of oxides- Normal oxides , Peroxides
and Super oxides
. Basic character of normal oxides increases down the group due to increase in their ionic character. Halides of alkali metals MX are also ionic except LiX which is covalent due to small size and high polarizing power. The Ionic character increases from Li to Cs. Oxosalts of alkali metals
are solid water soluble ionic compounds. Oxosalts of lithium show different properties due to its small size and high polarizing power.