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Q 4. Write a paragraph in your own words on

(c) Weeding

Answers (2)


Some of the major points about weeding are discussed below:

  • The removal of weeds is called weeding.
  • Weeding is necessary since weeds compete with the crop plants for water, nutrients, space, and light. Thus, they affect the growth of the crop.
  • Some weeds interfere even in harvesting and may be poisonous for animals and human beings.
  • Tilling before sowing crops helps in uprooting and killing weeds, which may then dry up and get mixed with the soil. 
  • Weeds are also controlled by using certain chemicals, called weedicides, like 2,4-D. These are sprayed in the fields to kill the weeds. They do not damage the crops
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Divya Prakash Singh

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Weeding is a gardening practice in which the weeds or unwanted plants are removed either by hand picking or by grinding with the gardening machine.The weeds are wild plants which grows on between the ornamental plants in the garden or in between the agriculture crops.

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