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header-bg qa

Complete the Table 4.1 on the basis of information available in the symbols given below.
(a) _{17}^{35}\textrm{Cl}
(b) _{6}^{12}\textrm{C}
(C) _{35}^{81}\textrm{Br}

Answers (1)


The table can be completed as follows:

Element n_{p} n_{n}
Cl 17 18
C 6 6
Br 35 46

n_{p} of Cl = Atomic number = 17

n_{p}  of C = Atomic number = 6

n_{p} of Br = Atomic number = 35

n_{n} of Cl = Atomic number = A - Z = 35 - 17 = 18

n_{n} of C = Mass number - Atomic number = A - Z = 12 - 6 = 6

n_{n} of Br = Mass number - Atomic number = A - Z = 81 - 35 = 46

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