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Four children measure the length of a table which was about 2 m. Each of them used different ways to measure it.

(i)     Sam measured it with a half metre long thread.

(ii)     Gurmeet measured it with a 15 cm scale from her geometry box.

(iii)     Reena measured it using her hand span.

(iv)     Salim measured it using a 5 m long measuring tape.

Which one of them would get the most accurate length?

Give reason for your answer.

Answers (1)


Salim measured it using a 5 m long measuring tape. By using a 5 m long measuring tape which is longer than the table, Salim would get the most accurate length. So, he can measure the length of the table in one go accurately.

Option (iv) is the correct.

Posted by

Sumit Saini

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