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List three strategies that a bisexual chasmogamous flower can evolve to prevent self-pollination (autogamy).

Answers (1)

Following are 3 strategies that a bisexual chasmogamous flower can evolve to prevent self-pollination or autogamy:

  1. Pollen release and stigma receptivity are not synchronised in many flowers. Either the pollen is released much before the maturity of the stigma or the stigma matures much before the release of pollen also referred to as  Dichogamy. Example: Datura
  2. In some flowers, anthers, and stigma are placed at different places so that pollen grains from the same flower cannot reach the stigma often referred to as Hercogamy. Example: Jasmine
  3. Self-incompatibility between pollen and stigma is seen in some flowers. This is a genetically mediated process that prevents autogamy in these flowers. Example: tobacco.
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