Match the terms given in Column I with the compounds given in Column II.
Column I | Column II |
(i) Acid rain | (a) |
(ii) Photochemical smog | (b) CO |
(iii) Combination of haemoglobin | (c) |
(iv) Depletion of ozone layer | (d) |
(e) Unstaturated hydrocarbons |
(i) Acid rain occurs due to the presence of ,
present in the atmosphere. They give carbonic acid, nitrous acid and sulphurous acid with water.
(ii) Hydrocarbon (unburnt fuel) and forms photochemical smog.
(iii) CO combines with haemoglobin to form carboxyhaemoglobin and doesn’t allow it to bind with oxygen again.
(iv) CFCs causes the depletion of the ozone layer by fastening the reverse process of formation of an oxygen molecule from ozone.