The syllabus of NEET biology has a conceptually important topic called human physiology. It is the fifth unit in the NCERT textbook of class 11. Human physiology is a highly celebrated chapter owing to the fact that it comes with 12% weightage in NEET exam! Not only that, human physiology has various concepts that are linked with human anatomy, genetics, and reproduction chapters. Hence, it is of utmost importance for a NEET aspirant to develop a smooth and clear understanding of the human physiology. The very feel-good factor associated with human physiology is that it does not offer any mug-up exercise and because you will get to know the functionality and makeup of the organ systems of your body, a continuous connection with the concepts are maintained throughout. Therefore, do not approach the chapter with fear but with enthusiasm that you are going to establish a basic understanding of yourself, which is essential as in the words of Suzy Kassem - “We are all connected. When one arm or foot becomes poisoned, the whole body becomes infected.”
As you have been introduced to the term ‘physiology’ earlier while dealing with the plant physiology, similarly, human physiology is the branch of science that deals with the study of the functionality of the organ systems of the human body. The complexity of the human body is understood as well as explored when you enter the world of human physiology. That is the reason it is not studied in one go but is divided into various topics, each correlating to the organ system in the human body. Not only the proper functioning but also the malfunctioning called diseases of various systems have been discussed under human physiology.
An analysis of the NEET biology syllabus brings relief as the majority of the topics are thoroughly covered within the NCERT textbook for class 11. Hence, we shall now explore the NEET syllabus in correlation with the NCERT textbook unit of human physiology. This will help you to carve out a smooth plan to approach the chapter.
Let us have a look at various topics of human physiology, their content and their essentiality for NEET exam.
1. Digestion and Absorption: No doubt we all understand the utility of eating proper food and the subsequent role of our digestive system in distributing the nutrients to the blood, the topic digestion and absorption of human physiology gives a deeper insight to the same. As you would read this chapter, you will be able to establish a clear picture of
Herein, the concepts of human anatomy will need a brush-up as you would be dealing with serious and mucous membranes, glandular epithelium, connective tissues, etc. Hence, as you can already infer, you are about to have a wonderful insight into your digestive system, that would not only impart a self-awareness but would also help in scoring in the NEET exam. Aren’t such topics like human physiology are a total delight to read?
2. Breathing and Exchange of gases: Breathing in and out is such a vital activity that it occurs even if you are not aware of it. Many times you can see yoga instructors telling, in general, to watch out breathing pattern and try controlling the same to come out of depression and stress. One reason for this is hidden in this topic of human physiology! Your breathing is controlled by the involuntary region of the nervous system and an awareness of the same allows a better room for the same. So, an exciting journey to this chapter would tell you about:
Hence, like the digestive system, human physiology chapter offers a holistic understanding of the respiratory system and the whole mechanism that makes it possible for us to breath in oxygen, utilize the oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide. The neural control for the same is one of the favourite topics of examiners! So, pay special attention while reading about it.
3. Body Fluids and Circulation: There are numerous organs in the human body, all of them are in need of nutrition and removal of excretory wastes; all of them need immunity and medicines in case of malfunction. How is this plethora of organs is attended to? The answer lies in the magnificent fluid connective tissue of blood. While you have already realised the concept of blood tissue in human anatomy, in human physiology you will understand how exactly the flow of blood is achieved and maintained, what is the structure and role of heart, and what is the nature of blood vessels. Not only the blood is explained but the lymph, its formation and network of lymph vessels are also the highlights of this chapter. Therefore, this chapter of human physiology offers:
Hence, embrace yourself to the exciting enlightenment about the circulatory system of the human body and its crucial functioning in the human physiology!
4. Excretory Products and their Elimination: Each cell in the organs of the human body is performing the life-sustaining metabolic activities. These activities generate energy in the form of ATP (Adenosine Tri Phosphate) along with various types of nitrogenous wastes, namely urea, uric acid, creatinine, etc. These have to be removed from the bloodstream because the cells ultimately barf out the excretory products into the blood. That can happen when the blood is filtered and this majestic process occurs in the major excretory organs kidneys. Apart from that, lungs and skin also act as the excretory organs. Hence, the insights offered in this topic of human physiology are
5. Locomotion and Movement: This chapter of human physiology deals with the muscles and bones. How the human body is capable of showing locomotion along with various types of muscular movements will be understood in this chapter of human physiology. You will read about the following topics here:
6. Neural Control and Coordination: Brain is the most enigmatic organ of the human physiology even now. However, many aspects of the neural system have been decoded and are well-explained in this chapter. You will appreciate the following topics in this chapter:
7. Chemical Coordination and Integration: Hormones play a decisive role in the metabolism of the human body and so, they are the key players of the human physiology. The endocrine glands and their hormones along with their functions and disorders are the key takeaways of this chapter of human physiology:
Units No. |
Units Name |
Unit 1 |
Unit 2 |
Unit 3 |
Unit 4 |
Unit 6 |
Unit 7 |
Unit 8 |
Unit 9 |
Unit 10 |
Lack of relaxation between successive stimuli in sustained muscle contraction is known as:
Blood pressure in the pulmonary artery is:
same as that in the aorta.
more than that in the carotid.
more than that in the pulmonary vein.
less than that in the venae cavae.
Doctors use stethoscope to hear the sounds produced during each cardiac cycle. The second sound is heard when :
Ventricular walls vibrate due to gushing in of blood from atria
Semilunar valves close down after the blood flows into vessels from ventricles
AV node receives signal from SA node
AV valves open up