a) How many astronomical units (AU) make 1 parsec?
b) Consider the sun like a star at a distance of 2 parsec. When it is seen through a telescope with 100 magnification, what should be the angular size of the star? Sun appears to be (1/2) degree from the earth. Due to atmospheric fluctuations, eye cannot resolve objects smaller than 1 arc minute.
c) Mars has approximately half of the earth’s diameter. When it is closer to the earth it is at about ½ AU from the earth. Calculate at what size it will disappear when seen through the same telescope.
(a)1 A.U. long arc subtends the angle of 1s or 1 arc sec at distance of 1 parsec.
Thus, angle 1 sec = parsec
Thus, 1 parsec = arc sec
Thus, 1 parsec=
(b)Angle of the sun’s diameter is subtended by 1 A.U. since the distance from the sun increases angle subtended in the same ratio.
will form an angle of
, since the diameter is the same angle subtended on earth by 1 parsec will be same.
If the sunlike star is at 2 parsec the angle becomes half
Thus, angle min
When it is seen with a telescope that has a magnification of 100, the angle formed will be min, viz., less than a minute.
Hence, it can’t be observed by a telescope.