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Four pendulums A, B, C and D are suspended from the same elastic support as shown in the figure. A and C are of the same length, while B is smaller than A and D is larger than A. If A is given a transverse displacement,
(a) D will vibrate with maximum amplitude
(b) C will vibrate with maximum amplitude
(c) B will vibrate with maximum amplitude
(d) All the four will oscillate with equal amplitude

Answers (1)

Explanation: If the pendulum vibrates with transverse vibration,

Time-period,  T=2\pi \sqrt{\frac{l}{g}},


l = length of pendulum A & C.

Now, the disturbance produced is transmitted to all pendulums, i.e., B, C & D, where the time-period (T) of C & A is the same. C will vibrate with a maximum resonance, as the periodic force of period T produces resonance in C. Since the Length of pendulums is the same, hence their time period is the same and they will have the same frequency of vibration. Due to it, a resonance will take place, and as a result pendulum, C will vibrate with maximum amplitude.

Hence, the answer is the option (2).



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