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A cylindrical log of wood of height h and area of cross-section A floats in water. It is pressed and then released. Show that the log would execute S.H.M. with a time period.
T = 2 \pi \sqrt{\frac{m}{A \rho g}}

where m is mass of the body and ρ is density of the liquid.

Answers (1)

If we press a log downward into the liquid, a buoyant force acts on it, and due to inertia it moves upwards from its mean position & comes down again due to gravity.

Thus, the restoring force on the block = Buoyant force (B.F.) – mg

Volume of liquid displaces by block = V

When it floats,

mg = BF

Or, mg = V\rho g

mg = Ax_{0} \rho g     …….. (i)

Area of crossection = A

Height of liquid block =x_{0}

When pressed in water, the total height of the block in water = (x + x_{0})

Thus, net restoring force = [A(x + x_{0})]\rho g -mg

Frest = -Ax\rho g     …….. ( since BF is upward & x is downward)

Frest  proportional to-x

Hence, the motion here is SHM.

Now, kA\rho g

a = -\omega ^{2}x\omega

   = \frac{k}{m}

Thus, T= 2 \pi \sqrt{\frac{m}{k}}

Frest = -A\rho gx

ma= -A\rho gx

a=\frac{ -A\rho gx}{m}

-\omega ^{2}x=\frac{ -A\rho gx}{m}

K = A\rho g

\left (\frac{2\pi 2}{T} \right )= \frac{A\rho g}{m}


\frac{T}{2\pi} = \frac{m}{A\rho g}


T = 2 \pi \sqrt{\frac{m}{A \rho g}}

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