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What happens during the regulation action of a Zener diode?
A. The current in and voltage across the Zenor remains fixed.
B. The current through the series Resistance (Rs) changes.
C. The Zener resistance is constant.
D. The resistance offered by the Zener changes.

Answers (1)

The correct answer is the option b and d


In forward-biased mode, the Zener diode acts as a voltage regulator and is used as an ordinary diode. The Zener diode in the reverse biased mode it offers constant voltage drop across the terminals as the unregulated voltage is applied. During the regulation action of the zener diode,

The current across the series resistance Rs is changed, therefore, the resistance offered by the zener diode also changes. The current in the zener diode changes, but the voltage remains the same and constant.


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