In the following questions a statement of Assertion (A) followed by a statement of Reason (R) is given. Choose the correct option out of the choices given below each question.
Assertion (A): All the carbon atoms in are
Reason (R): In this molecule, all the carbon atoms are attached to each other by double bonds.
(i) Both A and R are correct, and R is the correct explanation of A.
(ii) Both A and R are correct, but R is not the correct explanation of A.
(iii) Both A and R are not correct.
(iv) A is not correct but R is correct.
The answer is the option (iv) A is not correct, but R is correct.
Explanation: Hybridisation of C can be found out by counting the number of bonds and
bonds present on the C atom. If C has 3
bonds, it is
hybridised. If C has 2
bonds, it is sp hybridised.